With what we hear about global warming and the serious consequences this will have in our lives in the future, it is difficult not to be preoccupied. However, some of us would be ready to take some drastic measures to counter attack this phenomenon and try to reduce it. Tips to save energy at home
You might be overwhelmed by all this information from the media, the Internet, friends and relatives and you don’t know where to start. We think that at first it would be easier to begin where we have more power and in the closest known environment: your home.
The measures you will take will not only help preserve the planet but also your bank account. Accompanied with an investment in new and more eco-friendly electronic devices the results will be noted on the long term.
Nowadays construction companies and electronics companies are making more efforts as regards saving energy. These industries tackle the issues of emitting too much CO2 into the atmosphere with greener appliances and materials. Doing such they also try to prevent global energy demand from reaching unsustainable limits.
To help you be part of the climate change fight we are proposing you a series of tips to save energy at home. You can carry them out with simple and efficient actions. That way, you will contribute to the sustainability of the environment and maximise your personal economic savings.
Change lightings for low consumption LED bulbs
Adaptable to any type of lamp their energy consumption is lower than common bulbs. They consume 22% less than classic low-energy bulbs and 80% less than incandescent ones. A big plus is that the average duration is more than 10 years. You may spend a bit more at the beginning but it becomes more profitable after a while.

Do not leave any unused devices on ‘stand by’ mode
Switch off any device that you do not use will help save your money and the environment. Indeed, it could cost you up 100 euros a year.
Also instead of having your appliances on ‘stand by’ mode, plug them on an extension with a switch or unplug them. Leaving them as such represents up to 12% of the annual consumption of the appliance.
When your laptop, tablet or mobile phone, you should umplug the charged in order to avoid useless energy consumption, wasting money and avoid spoiling the device’s battery.
Buy new appliances and devices with A +++ energy label
Appliances with the A +++ energy label are devices with a minimum or low energy consumption. They are more expensive than ordinary one but more cost-conscious in the long-term as you will consume less energy and therefore spend less money. Again, both your budget and the planet are winning in this case.
Periodically perform boiler maintenance
This maintenance serves to prevent it from breaking down early as well as saving energy and money. Also it is better if you could hire a boiler insurance responsible for this maintenance. It is a bit of an investment every year, but profitable in the long run.

We recommend you to change the boiler when this one is very old. Choose a newer one with the qualification label A. Many autonomous communities in Spain organise renovation campaigns to guarantee energy efficiency and offer financial aid. Search the website of the community you live in for more information.
Do not exaggerate with the heating or air conditioning temperatures
It is essential to keep balanced temperatures in both winter and summer. The difference in degrees between the street and our home is usually significant. That is why it is important to regulate the boiler or air conditioning equipment so as not to waste extra energy and improve the efficiency of the appliances.

According to what is established in the Regulation of Thermal Installations in Buildings, the ideal temperature is 21ºC the in winter. And in summer, the air conditioning should not be below 26ºC.
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