On the occasion of the World Water Day on March 22nd, the Association of Companies in the Sector of Installations and Energy (Agremia in Spanish) recommends monitoring the different facilities as water leaks prevention tips. The reasons are to obtain important savings in the total cost of the bill and usel waste.
This Association emphasizes the main elements that require more attention for possible leaks are taps, toilets and shower heads in private housing and the irrigation system and pools in the communities. “Only the drips and leaks of the faucets can mean a loss of 100 litres of water per month, while a leak in a tank for loss of tightness in the shut-off valve is equivalent to consuming 20,000 litres in a month,” says José María de la Fuente, president of Agremia. If the inlet valve is locked in the open position (does not close) the losses are incalculable, since all the water is discharged.

Recommendations to prevent water leaks
The Association recommends the following simple steps to detect a water leak in your home:
– Check that the different supplies of the house do not have water losses. How? Close the valves of the appliances and the taps and examine if the water meter keeps running. The presence of moisture in the wall between the meter and the bypass valve is another leakage symptom.
- Check the toilet for leaks by removing the top of the tank.
- To detect leaks in buried underground pipes, close the general key of the house and check if the meter continues to indicate consumption.
- Check that all taps in the house are properly closed.
- Check that the shower head is not blocked.
– Check that the facilities are in perfect condition: irrigation system in the garden, swimming pool … The main leaks come from invisible breaks in pipes, water leaks in the pool and broken programmers of planters.
“It is very important, in case of detecting a leak in time, to contact a professional, as the supplier company will charge you for the consumption reflected in the meter and not for the water you actually used, without the possibility of recovering that much needed good” , argues José María de la Fuente.